What is IoT?IoT stands for the Internet of Things. Security systems, thermostats, cars, electronic appliances, lights, alarm clocks, speaker systems…Jan 6, 20211Jan 6, 20211
Published inCellular Agriculture CanadaCellular Agriculture: The Future of FoodIn its current form, the meat industry is unsustainable. It is an inefficient way to produce food that may soon be unable to adequately…Aug 14, 2020Aug 14, 2020
AI Explained Using Pictures And DiagramsFor an explanation using words: Introduction to AIApr 30, 2020Apr 30, 2020
Published inAnalytics VidhyaTeaching AI to Play Games — Deep Q NetworksIn today’s article, I’m going to introduce you to the hot topic of Deep Q Networks and how it works. I’ll go over my model and explain key…Apr 28, 2020Apr 28, 2020
Alva Energy — Changing The Way We Use EnergyMoving Towards A More Sustainable and Efficient Future.Apr 25, 2020Apr 25, 2020
The Complacent Mindset — Your Worst Enemy“You don’t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling over.” — Richard BransonApr 12, 2020Apr 12, 2020
Published inAnalytics VidhyaUsing Nanotechnology For Space ExplorationThe next big thing is surprisingly small: The field of nanotechnology has the potential to impact every industry and it’s here — almost!Feb 16, 2020Feb 16, 2020
Published inAnalytics VidhyaHow I Built An Algorithm to Takedown Atari games!Video games. Something I’ve spent hours and hours on. I play them almost every day. But sometimes it’s just impossible to beat that next…Jan 17, 2020Jan 17, 2020
Using Gene Editing to Resurrect SpeciesOver the past few years gene-editing and CRISPR, in particular, has been a topic of interest to many. The very thing that will…Jan 11, 2020Jan 11, 2020
Using machine learning to classify movie reviewsLast weekend I was excited to hang out with my friends and watch a movie, but the problem was that it was just too hard to find a good…Nov 15, 2019Nov 15, 2019